Jumat, Februari 19, 2016

Renungan Firman

Keselamatan yang cuma-cuma itu sudah tersedia... akankah kita meraihnya atau melepaskannya...
keselamatan yang dicari-cari seluruh manusia,, namun ditutupi oleh hikmat manusia juga... Maka yang semulanya adalah Temuan Gratis yang tidak perlu diusahakan, akhirnya menjadi sebuah Temuan Gratis namun Mahal dan sukar diraih ^_^

Datanglah Sebagaimana Adanya

Aku menggeleng-gelengkan kepalaku dalam ketidakpercayaan. Tidak mungkin ini tempatnya. Sebenarnya, tidak mungkin aku diterima di sini. Aku sudah diberi undangan beberapa kali, oleh beberapa orang yang berbeda, dan baru akhirnya memutuskan untuk melihat tempatnya seperti apa sih. Tapi, tidak mungkin ini tempatnya. Dengan cepat, aku melihat pada undangan yang ada di genggamanku. Aku memeriksa dengan teliti kata-katanya, "Datanglah sebagaimana adanya kamu. Tidak perlu ditutup-tutupi," dan menemukan lokasinya.
Ya.. aku berada di tempat yang benar. Aku mengintip lewat jendelanya sekali lagi dan melihat sebuah ruangan yang penuh dengan orang-orang yang dari wajahnya terpancar sukacita. Semuanya berpakaian rapi, diperindah dengan pakaian yang bagus dan terlihat bersih seperti kalau mereka makan di restoran yang bagus. Dengan perasaan malu, aku memandang pada pakaianku yang buruk dan compang camping, penuh dengan noda. Aku kotor, bahkan menjijikan.
Bau yang busuk ada padaku dan aku tidak dapat membuang kotoran yang melekat pada tubuhku. Ketika aku akan berputar untuk meninggalkan tempat itu, kata-kata dari undangan tersebut seakan-akan meloncat keluar, "Datanglah sebagaimana kamu adanya. Tidak perlu ditutup-tutupi."
Aku memutuskan untuk mencobanya. Dengan mengerahkan semua keberanianku, aku membuka pintu restoran dan berjalan ke arah laki-laki yang berdiri di belakang panggung.
"Nama Anda, Tuan ?" ia bertanya kepadaku dengan senyuman.
"Daniel F. Renken," kataku bergumam tanpa berani melihat ke atas. Aku memasukkan tanganku ke kantongku dalam-dalam, berharap untuk dapat menyembunyikan noda-nodanya.
Ia sepertinya tidak menyadari kotoran yang berusaha aku sembunyikan dan ia melanjutkan, "Baik, Tuan. Sebuah meja sudah dipesan atas nama Anda. Anda mau duduk ?"
Aku tidak percaya atas apa yang aku dengar! Aku tersenyum dan berkata,"Ya, tentu saja!"
Ia mengantarkanku ke sebuah meja dan, cukup yakin, ada plakat dengan namaku tertera dengan tulisan tebal merah tua.
Ketika aku membaca-baca menunya, aku melihat berbagai macam hal-hal yang menyenangkan tertera di sana. Hal-hal tersebut seperti "damai", "sukacita","berkat", "kepercayaan diri","keyakinan", "pengharapan", "cinta kasih", "kesetiaan", dan "pengampunan".
Aku sadar bahwa ini bukan restoran biasa! Aku mengembalikan menunya ke depan untuk melihat tempat di mana aku berada. "Kemurahan Tuhan," adalah nama dari tempat ini!
Laki-laki tadi kembali dan berkata, "Aku merekomendasikan sajian spesial hari ini. Dengan memilih spesial menu hari ini, Anda berhak untuk mendapatkan semua yang ada di menu ini."
Kamu pasti bercanda! pikirku dalam hati. Maksudmu, aku bisa mendapat SEMUA yang ada dalam menu ini?
"Apa menu spesial hari ini?" aku bertanya dengan penuh kegembiraan.
"Keselamatan," jawabnya.
"Aku ambil," jawabku spontan.
Kemudian, secepat aku membuat keputusan itu, kegembiraan meninggalkan tubuhku. Sakit dan penderitaan merenggut lewat perutku dan air mata memenuhi mataku.
Dengan menangis tersedu sedan, aku berkata, "Tuan, lihatlah diriku. Aku ini kotor dan hina. Aku tidak bersih dan tidak berharga. Aku ingin mendapat semuanya ini, tapi aku tidak dapat membelinya."
Dengan berani, laki-laki itu tersenyum lagi.
"Tuan, Anda sudah dibayar oleh laki-laki di sebelah sana," katanya sambil menunjuk pintu masuk ruangan. "Namanya Yesus."
Aku berbalik, aku melihat seorang laki-laki yang kehadirannya membuat terang seluruh ruangan itu.
Aku melangkah maju ke arah laki-laki itu, dan dengan suara gemetar aku berbisik, "Tuan, aku akan mencuci piring-piring atau membersihkan lantai atau mengeluarkan sampah. Aku akan melakukan apa pun yang bisa aku lakukan untuk membayar-Mu kembali atas semuanya ini."
Ia membuka tangannya dan berkata dengan senyuman, "Anakku, semuanya ini akan menjadi milikmu, cukup hanya bila kamu datang kepadaKu. Mintalah pada-Ku untuk membersihkanmu dan Aku akan melakukannya. Mintalah pada-Ku untuk membuang noda-noda itu dan itu terlaksana. Mintalah padaKu untuk mengijinkanmu makan di meja-Ku dan kamu akan makan. Ingat, meja ini dipesan atas namamu. Yang bisa kamu lakukan hanyalah MENERIMA pemberian yang sudah Aku tawarkan kepadamu."
Dengan kagum dan takjub, aku terjatuh di kakiNya dan berkata, "Tolong, Yesus. Tolong bersihkan hidupku. Tolong ubahkan aku, ijinkan aku duduk di meja-Mu dan berikan padaku sebuah hidup yang baru."
Dengan segera aku mendengar, "Sudah terlaksana."
Aku melihat pakaian putih menghiasi tubuhku yang sudah bersih. Sesuatu yang aneh dan indah terjadi. Aku merasa seperti baru, seperti sebuah beban sudah terangkat dan aku mendapatkan diriku duduk di mejaNya.
"Menu spesial hari ini sudah dipesan," kata Tuhan kepadaku. "Keselamatan menjadi milikmu."
Kami duduk dan bercakap-cakap untuk beberapa waktu lamanya dan aku sangat menikmati waktu yang kuluangkan denganNya. Ia berkata kepadaku, kepadaku dan kepada semua orang, bahwa Ia ingin aku kembali sesering aku ingin bantuan lain dari kemurahan Tuhan. Dengan jelas Ia ingin aku meluangkan waktuku sebanyak mungkin denganNya.
Ketika waktu sudah dekat bagiku untuk kembali ke 'dunia nyata', Ia berbisik padaku dengan lembut, "Dan Daniel, AKU MENYERTAI KAMU SELALU."
Dan kemudian, Ia berkata sesuatu yang tidak akan pernah aku lupakan.
Ia berkata, "Anakku, lihatkah kamu beberapa meja yang kosong di seluruh ruangan ini?"
"Ya, Tuhan. Aku melihatnya. Apa artinya?" jawabku.
"Ini adalah meja-meja yang dipesan, tapi tiap-tiap individu yang namanya tertera di tiap plakat ini belum menerima undangan untuk makan. Maukah kamu membagikan undangan-undangan ini untuk mereka yang belum bergabung dengan kita?" Yesus bertanya.
"Tentu saja," kataku dengan kegembiraan dan memungut undangan tersebut.
"Pergilah ke seluruh bangsa," Ia berkata ketika aku pergi meninggalkan restoran tersebut.
Aku berjalan masuk ke "Kemurahan Tuhan" dalam keadaan kotor dan lapar. Ternoda oleh dosa. Asalku bagai kain tua yang kotor. Dan Yesus membersihkanku. Aku berjalan keluar seperti orang yang baru.. berbaju putih, seperti Dia. Dan, aku menepati janjiku pada Tuhanku.
Aku akan pergi.
Aku akan menyebarkan luaskan perkataanNya.
Aku akan memberitakan Injil ...
Aku akan membagikan undangan-undangannya.
Dan aku akan memulainya dengan kamu.
Pernahkah kamu pergi ke restoran "Kemurahan Tuhan?" Ada sebuah meja yang dipesan atas namamu, dan inilah undangan untukmu... "DATANGLAH SEBAGAIMANA KAMU ADANYA. TIDAK PERLU DITUTUP-TUTUPI."

Contoh Undangan 40 hari meninggal

Contoh Undangan 40 hari

Senin, Februari 15, 2016

Prayer In The Morning

Prayer To God in the Morning

Psalm 143:8New International Version (NIV)

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love,
    for I have put my trust in you.
Show me the way I should go,
    for to you I entrust my life.

Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

David presents his prayer, repeatedly crying out to God to answer him and to teach him to do His will before it is too late. Since a number of the themes are repeated because of the intensity of David’s feelings, I thought it best not to work through the psalm verse by verse from first to last, but rather somewhat thematically, under three main headings.
In this life threatening crisis, David turned to God. Again, this is not an automatic response. As we saw from the parable of the sower, rather than turning to God in trials, many turn away from Him. But the more intense the trial, the more diligently you need to seek the Lord. But, you need to seek Him in the right way. David here teaches us four vital lessons about prayer.

A. Prayer should be heartfelt.
David’s heartfelt cry bleeds through the entire psalm. It begins (v. 1), “Hear my prayer, O Lord, give ear to my supplications! Answer me in Your faithfulness, in Your righteousness!” In verse 6 he cries, “I stretch out my hands to You; my soul longs for You, as a parched land.” He continues, “answer me” (v. 7), “let me hear Your lovingkindness in the morning” (v. 8), “deliver me” (v. 9), and, “cut off my enemies and destroy all those who afflict my soul” (v. 12). He’s a desperate man, crying out for deliverance before his enemies kill him.
While we may rarely be in such life-threatening situations, David’s prayer teaches us that we will not pray as we ought unless we recognize our weakness and need and, therefore, our total dependence on God. Many unbelievers go to their graves without the Lord because they are oblivious to the peril of judgment by a holy, all-knowing God, who will judge them by His perfect standard. In fact, the greatest dangers are often those that we do not perceive. As you know, people die of carbon monoxide poisoning because they cannot smell or see that deadly gas. Satan lulls many into breathing the deadly gas of good works. They think, “I’m a pretty good person. I’ve never deliberately hurt or killed anyone. I’m not a child molester. So I should be good enough for heaven.”
Even as believers, we often do not realize our own inadequacy, and so we do not depend on the Lord in prayer. We assume that we can handle things on our own, unless we get into a huge problem. So the Lord sends overwhelming trials so that we will not trust in ourselves, but in God, through heartfelt prayer.
B. Prayer should be humble.
David asks God to answer in His faithfulness and righteousness. I understand him to mean, “Answer me according to Your faithful promises to your people and in accordance with Your way of exonerating the righteous and punishing the wicked.” But no sooner are the words out of his mouth than he is caught up short. He realizes, “But I’m not completely innocent, either.” His prayer would have brought judgment on himself! So he quickly adds (v. 2), “And do not enter into judgment with Your servant, for in Your sight no man living is righteous.”
As you know, there are several psalms where David pleads with God on the basis of his own innocence (Ps. 7:3-5, 8; 18:20). Willem VanGemeren (Expositor’s Bible Commentary, ed. by Frank Gaebelein [Zondervan], 5:852) explains, “Both expressions are valid, depending on the context in which one finds himself. The confession of innocence is appropriate when one is insulted and persecuted for righteousness’s sake, and the confession of guilt is proper when confronted with one’s own frailties.”
Here, David is painfully aware of his own sins. So he asks God not to bring him to the bar of His absolute righteousness. Rather, he appeals to God’s lovingkindness (v. 8), which is His loyal covenant love. He asks the Lord in His lovingkindness to cut off and destroy his enemies (v. 12). As I pointed out in our study of Psalm 136, there is obviously a special love that God has for His chosen people. David asks God (v. 11), “For the sake of Your name, revive me.” In other words, he appeals to the attributes of God (His name) and to His covenant love for His people. That’s why we pray “in Jesus’ name,” which means, “on the basis of all that He is and His covenant promises to us.” We don’t pray on the basis of our merits or good deeds.
C. Prayer should be believing.
David affirms his trust in the Lord (v. 8). He bases his prayer, as we have seen, on God’s faithfulness and righteousness. He can always be trusted to be faithful and righteous. There is faith behind David’s confession, “You are my God” (v. 10). David strengthened his faith by meditating on all of God’s doings and work from days of old (v. 5). If we come to God in prayer, we must come in faith that He is able to answer us (Mark 11:22-24; Heb. 11:6; James 1:5-6). Prayer must be heartfelt, humble, and believing.
D. Prayer should be obedient to God’s will.
That is, it must flow from a heart that is ready to do God’s will. We cannot pray and expect God to answer if we are unwilling to follow Him completely. If we’re just using prayer to get out of our crisis, and then we put God back on the shelf and go back to acting as lord of our own lives, we are really practicing idolatry. Idolaters try to use their god to get what they want. Followers of the living and true God submit to Him even through trials.
Also, whenever you’re in a trial caused by a sinful person who is trying to get you, it is easy to react against their sin by sinning yourself. He angrily threatens you, so you yell back threats at him. He cheated you, so you connive to cheat him. He lied about you, so you lie about him. So it is especially important that you be on guard against this. With a teachable heart, pray that you will know and be obedient to God’s will in the trial.
Thus David here prays that he might know and do God’s will. He asks (v. 8), “Teach me the way in which I should walk.” Then he goes a step further and asks (v. 10a), “Teach me to do Your will.” He’s asking not just that he will know God’s way or will, but also that he will know how to do it.” He doesn’t want to be just a hearer of the word, but also a doer (James 1:22). He adds (v. 10b), “Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground.” This is similar to the request in the Lord’s Prayer (Matt. 6:13a), “do not lead us into temptation.”
Derek Kidner (p. 476) points out that David’s three requests for guidance (vv. 8-10) each has its own nuance. The first (“Teach me the way in which I should walk,” 8b) has an individual flavor, showing that each of us is uniquely placed and called. The second (“Teach me to do Your will,” 10a), “settles the priorities, making the goal not self-fulfillment but pleasing God and finishing His work.” The third (“Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground,” 10b), “speaks with the humility of one who knows his need of shepherding, not merely of having the right way pointed out to him.” The request for level ground “implies the admission that one is prone to stumble, not only to stray.”
Thus David teaches us that our prayers in times of crisis must be heartfelt, humble, believing, and obedient. But, we also need the right aim in prayer.
Let’s think: Why do we need this repeated lesson on prayer? We need it because we all face trials, some of which are overwhelming. We need it because false teachers appeal to our flesh, promising us instant health and wealth if we will only believe. We need it so that we can learn how to pray in a time of trials: with heartfelt, humble, believing, and obedient prayer. We need it so that we aim in our prayers not only to get relief from our trials, but also to grow to know God better. Don’t waste your trial! Let it drive you to God in prayer.
From : https://bible.org/seriespage/psalm-143-another-lesson-prayer

The Biblical Illustrator

Psalms 143:8
Cause me to hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning.
How to have a good day
There are days and days. There are days of darkness such as this psalm illustrates. Many think that David sung this psalm when he fled from Absalom.
I. It was a dark day for David.
1. It was a day of hard environment. “The enemy hath persecuted my soul.” Think of David fugitive, and climbing, in sackcloth, the slopes of the Mount of Olives. There are days when everything seems to go against us.
2. It was a day for David of clean discouragement. “He hath smitten my life down to the ground.” Have you not been in such a discouraged day?
3. It was a day of despair. When hope has gone out and despair has come in, your hands hang and your step stops.
4. This was a day for David when memory made contrast (verse 5). The only comfort for the soul in such plight is the memory of better days. That is a very bad, enervating mood when one, instead of looking forward, is perpetually looking backward. Oh, the brave apostles Though prisoner in Rome, “forgetting the things which are behind.”
II. How to get out of such a dark day and mood into a good day.
1. By prayer. “Cause me to hear.” The soul addresses God; turns resolutely Godward.
2. By beginning the day with a sense of God. “Cause me to hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning.” Count your mercies and begin the day by doing it. There is a way of looking at disadvantage in the light of advantage. Mr. Edison, partially deaf since childhood, was told by a specialist an operation would help him. He answered, “Give up an advantage that enables me to think on undisturbed by noise or conversation? No, indeed.”
3. By constancy in trust. “For in Thee do I trust.” Trust, and keep on trusting anyway.
4. By determining to do, and at all hazards to do the right. “Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk.” Notice that--the praying and the walking; the search for the right and the resolve to do it. Darkness shall surely flee from such a soul. Such turning of dark days into good ones makes--character! (Homiletic Review.)
“In the morning”
I. The morning comes after the night.
1. The night of mourning. “Our light affliction,” etc. This is higher and sweeter than the motto on the sundial, “I count only the sunbeams.” The child of God will count, to his wealth and joy, the darkness also. The night is glorified in the morning “lovingkindness,” as night-formed dew is in the morning sun.
2. The night of conflict. The morning of victory will come.
3. The night of weary waiting. There is a morning of fruition and satisfaction.
4. The night of sin. Oh the morning of fresh and wondrous purity!
II. The morning comes before the day. God’s lovingkindness brings morning--the harbinger of a long day. Always, only morning; pointing on to a day whose “sun shall go no more down.” A day of joy. “Everlasting joy shall be upon their head.” A day of work. When men have a journey to make, or work to do, they start in the morning. So let us seek God’s morning lovingkindness.
1. In the morning of every day. Let me hear Thy lovingkindness in the morning, that this whole day may be blessed and fruitful.
2. In the morning of life (Proverbs 8:17).
3. In the morning (at the beginning) of every new undertaking. Begin with prayer for God’s lovingkindness and blessing.
4. In the morning of this year. It is still pure and sweet. Let its future hours be devoted to God. (Homiletic Magazine.)
Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk.--
The way wherein we should go
The text may be said to comprise every other prayer. If God gives His servant “to know the way wherein he should walk,” and strength to walk in it, peace, and order, and liberty, and joy will soon come. Life is difficult. It is difficult every day; on some days, and at some times, unusually so. Are there not continual circumstances and trials and duties of ordinary life which, in one way or another, make life a continual difficulty? Think of the number of things that are to be believed, that are to be renounced, that are to be examined, that are to be distinguished in themselves and from other things, that are to be tentatively dealt with, that are to be done, that are to be left undone, that are to be waited for, that are to be suffered. All these are included in the “way wherein we should walk.” Take some of them in succession.
I. Opinions and beliefs. There can be no living way for a man that does not involve these. A man is more than a growing tree or a grazing animal. Even those who speak slightingly of opinions, and lay stress rather on what they call spirit, and instinct, and practical action, when they rigorously analyze their own thought in this matter, are obliged to confess that in one form or another, separated from other things, or solvent in them, opinion and belief must be comprehended in spirit, even in instinct, in a measure, and certainly in practical action. But how hard it is now to form opinions and settle beliefs! Harder perhaps than it has ever been before, not only because we have more than the common amount of scepticism in the world, but because (as I verily believe) men are in some ways more sincere and more earnest than they have ever been before. They cannot so easily subscribe creeds, composed of many, and some of them hard enough propositions. What, then, are we to do? From this hour any one of us, if we will, may be of “them that believe to the saving of the soul.” How? By bringing the whole case fully and earnestly before God. “Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul unto Thee.” There, and there only, you have the whole case; the meeting, and, in a measure, the settling of the difficulty. If we come really to Him, we have solved the difficulty, we have come into the new and living way, and God will make that way more and more plain before our face; whereas if we abide among the exterior things--examining, considering, comparing, putting this opinion against that, and working the whole matter simply as a high intellectual problem, without ever making the last and highest appeal--we have no certainty of a good and true issue.
II. Conduct. Even those who know the way they should go, so far as it consists of beliefs, convictions, principles, find it still in their practice to be a way of continual difficulty. It is easy to say, “Act on principle.” Of course we must act on principle, but on what principle? What is the right principle for the case? Or what is the proper combination of principles? And how are they to apply?
1. It will sometimes be that all is dark as to what is about to happen in the immediate future, and yet action must be taken at a certain time; and, in order to be well taken, preparation must be made for it now. And that darkness, perhaps, cannot be made any less by our intellectual activities, or by our moral impatience. We may knock at the doors of the future with all our importunity, but they will not open a moment before the time. What can we do? We can pray. We can use this text, and get the benefits it carries, “Cause me to know the way wherein I should go, for I lift my soul to Thee.”
2. Or the case is exceedingly perplexed and intricate. It lies all open before us. There is nothing more to reveal, and yet we cannot understand it. Our way, “the way wherein we should go,” lies right through the heart of those perplexed and ravelled things, and our “going” is sure to alter them somewhat, perhaps much. What shall be the ruling principle of our action? Shall we go quickly or slowly? And shall prudence or firmness have the reins? Who can tell us? And in this pause what can we do? We can ask Him who knows the way that is all unknown to us to “cause us to know it,” so that, as we tread it step by step, and make it thus our actual way, it may prove to be indeed the way of righteousness and peace.
3. Or the case, in its two sides, is perfectly balanced. There is nothing to choose between them. We may cast the weight of our action on this side or on that with equally good conscience. And yet, out of the choice we make, a very different class of results will spring; and other things will come in then, and issues never contemplated as possible will arise. So that there is a right side, a “way in which we should go,” even when no human wisdom could give any sufficient reason why the one side should be taken rather than the other: How shall we find it? How, but by coming to Him who knows all ways that human feet are to tread. He has His eye on that best way, that perfect way, that Christlike way, which my feet ought to mark, and if I come to Him to ask about it, it may be that, while I am yet speaking, the light of revelation will illumine it, the finger of Providence will point to it, and the voice that has directed so many pilgrims will say to me also, “This is the way, walk ye in it.” (A. Raleigh, D. D.)
God’s pathway for the soul of man
The psalms of the rebellion differ from the psalms of the persecution under Saul, in that a strain of penitence mingles with the narrative of misfortune and suffering. That an ambitious young man should have so easily overthrown a strong government was itself suggestive. Absalom’s success could not be really accounted for by his good looks, or by his popular manners, or by his splendid retinue, or by the widespread discontent of the tribe of Judah with David’s domestic policy, The truth was that the old respect for him had been largely undermined by his conduct; and under a system of personal government, respect for the ruler is essential to social safety. David’s own conscience ratified the tacit verdict which his people had passed upon him; and when he fled across the Jordan, while Absalom took possession of his palace and his throne, he recognized the hand, not of his undutiful son, but of his Lord and Judge. And thus, in the last of those seven psalms, which have for so many ages nourished and expressed Christian repentance, David mingles with his pathetic review of his reverses a loyal prayer for mercy and guidance.
I. “the way that I shall walk in.” David was thinking, no doubt, of some path across the mountains of Gilead, by which he might hope to make good his escape in that hour of danger. But that was not all. David would be thinking also of other “ways.” For the soul of man is perpetually moving, in whatever direction, through the wilds of moral and intellectual space: and the various directions which its thought, feeling, and action take, are variously characterized in Scripture. On the one hand we read of “the way of understanding, the way of righteousness, the way of truth,” “the way of God’s testimonies,” “the way of wisdom,” “the way of life,” “the way of good men,” “the way everlasting,” “the right way,” “the way of the Lord,” “the way of peace”; and on the other we are told of “the way of the froward,” “the way of evil men, the way of man’s heart,” “the way that is not good,” “the way that seemeth right unto a man, while the end thereof are the ways of death.” And so particular types of human life, “the way of David,” “the way of Asa,” “the way of Jehoshaphat,” contrast with “the way of Cain,” “the way of Jeroboam,” “the way of the house of Ahab,” “the way of Manasseh.” And thus the expression comes to mean a certain moral and mental temper, or a body, or System of doctrines, or precepts, whether false or true, which claim to be, and are treated as forming the path to a higher or to a lower world. Above all, we must not forget that the spiritual sense of this expression has received a consecration which can never for long be absent from Christian thought. We know who has said, “I am the Way.”
II. This petition for guidance, like all serious prayer, implies a faith, a faith which at once dictates and shapes it. The lex credendi is also the lex supplicandi. Two truths, at least, prompt and govern the prayer.
1. The first is, that one path enables each man to correspond with the true ideal of his life. “The way that I should walk in.” One path only is perfectly loyal to the highest truth that has been placed within each man’s reach. Only one path, and not many, enables each man to make the most of his faculties and of his opportunities, to develop most harmoniously his intelligence, his affections, his will, his character; to satisfy most adequately the just claims that others may make on him; to satisfy the demands of Him to whom the gift of existence itself is due.
2. And the second implied and governing truth is this--that there is one Being, at any rate, who sees and can tell each one of us what this his path should be. A clear sight of the track along which each of His responsible creatures should walk with the view of making the best of the gift of life, is the least that can be ascribed to an Intelligence that knows no bounds, and to a Will by whose good pleasure we each and all exist. A willingness to show each one of us what He thus sees to be the best for each may be reverently taken for granted in Him who is not only and chiefly Power and Intelligence, but also, and especially Goodness.
III. How does God answer this prayer?
1. First of all, and generally by the language of events, by that importunity of circumstances which, in different degrees, accompanies every human life. It matters not that the environment of every life can be traced to antecedents, and these to other antecedents that have preceded them till the long evolutionary process is lost sight of in the distant haze. It matters not because, first, we know that a point must at last be reached where no material antecedent is discoverable, and where bare existence can only be accounted for by the fiat of a Creative Will; and secondly, because the relation of each antecedent to that which precedes and follows it, the direction and law of this long evolutionary sequence--if so we must provisionally term it--itself implies, no less than its first impact implies, a presiding and guiding Mind.
2. But independently of that which belongs to single lives, there are certain broad characteristics of the pathway which God has traced for the soul of man. Man’s will, as well as his understanding, needs the guidance of truth. Man’s character needs the discipline of sacrifice. And He who said, “He that followeth Me walketh not in darkness,” said also, “Let a man take up his cross and follow Me.” What then are the characteristics of this truth which can furnish true guidance to the soul of man, and which thus is the answer to the prayer of the psalmist?
The guiding hand
There is no need more imperatively felt by the Christian than that of Divine guidance.
1. We must admit that God has an ideal or plan for each one of us in life. We also know how weak and unwise we are, and that light is needed outside of ourselves. Now we know that the Bible is a historic revelation. What was written aforetime was given for our learning. So by looking back over the history of the Church we are helped in the discovery of God’s will.
2. Three special methods were used in ancient times to reveal the will of God. Dreams, the Urim and Thummim, and prophetic teaching.
3. The important thing is not the agency through which God reveals His will, but the fact that in some way He will lead them who trust in Him. Therefore the psalmist says, “Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul unto Thee.” The lesson is one of faith in God’s guiding hand. This mode of Divine direction is wholly unlike the method seen among heathen and superstitious people. It is spiritual, exalted and progressive. A moral discipline is needed, a heart in sympathy with God. The spirit of truth guides us into all truth. If we are willing to do the will of God we shall know the way.
4. The spirit of prayerfulness should be cultivated. It is on the knees that we learn the lesson of trust. It is there we are brought face to face with God. Let us, therefore, always lift our soul unto God, and, above all, seek the aid of His Holy Spirit. The example of Christ is a guide; the advice of His true disciples is helpful; our own common sense is to be used, but above all, the direction of the Holy Spirit is to be sought and followed. He will keep us from perverting the truth we hear to our own ruin.
5. Finally, if after honestly following what light you have, the issue is not what you supposed or wished, rest patiently in God till He clears the darkness. If you have erred, make it sure “that He has forgiven, and then cheerfully go forward, saying, “My times are in Thy hand,” knowing that all things are working together for good to them that love God and are sincerely doing His will. (A. Foster, D. D.)
Knowledge and love of spiritual guide
The relation resulting from the intercourse of an Alpine traveller with his guide, writes Dr. Parkhurst, is not exactly like anything else. The one whom you had employed in this service would henceforth stand to you quite apart from other men. The peculiar quality that is in your intimacy has not resulted merely from your walking so long together; nor has it come because of your fellowship with one another in peril, or perhaps even in suffering. You learn to know your guide by obeying him, and you learn to love him by committing yourself to him and trusting him. Something about our Divine Guide, Jesus Christ, you can learn from the Scriptures; something, too, you can gather from the testimony of other men. But if you want to know Him you have got to obey Him, and if you want to love Him you must first trust Him. (Christian Endeavour Times.)

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These files are public domain.
Text Courtesy of BibleSupport.com. Used by Permission.
Exell, Joseph S. "Commentary on "Psalms 143:8". The Biblical Illustrator. "http://www.studylight.org/commentaries/tbi/view.cgi?bk=ps&ch=143". 1905-1909. New York.

Each morning let me learn more about your love because I trust you. I come to you in prayer, asking for your guidance. Show me what I should do. I put my life in your hands!
  Dian Vivian

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Prayer In The Morning

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